I love the Boston Globe. It has gotten thinner over the years, and it runs more wire stories, but it has some incredible local coverage and it is the paper for which I dreamed of working for years.
When I was in fourth grade, I had the thrill of seeing my photo and my words in the (now defunct) student pages. That 100-word book review was my first newspaper clip, and lead to a loyalty to that newspaper that has lead me to give sources who leak stories to them some slack, and has left me dreaming of working their even when their staff shrivels.
The New York Times Co. is considering closing the paper. Even though it seems the web staff can't code for their lives (that article is absurdly hard to read because of all the random symbols that seem to fill in for punctuation), please keep the paper alive.
i published a book review too! i think i was in 2nd grade - it was surely a triumph :)