Metro Moments: Worlds Collide Edition

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The conference center, owned by a policy group, is full of white men in suits, making me very aware that I still cover an old boys' club.

In the bathroom of the policy group, a confident looking woman dressed in black jeans and a black E line NYC subway t-shirt stands over the sink as she carefully shaves her head with a pink razor taken from a UPS box that looks like it contained a care package.

As people rush in and out of the bathroom -- the conference has just resumed--she does not break her deliberate pace and does not make eye contact.

There is surprisingly little hair on the floor.

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Written Pyramids is a blog written by a journalist living and working in Washington D.C.

I have left my real name off of the blog so as not to imply that the blog is somehow linked with the journalism I get paid to do. (Still, I never write about my beat on this blog, and rarely express opinions about the day's news regardless of its relationship to my beat).

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Books pyramid image originally from the British website, Explore Writing.